Friday, February 3, 2017

The Best Advice I've Ever Gotten

       The best advice I've ever received was from my mom, and she still constantly tells me this. Her advice to me is to never let anyone bring me down and to always persevere to make my dreams dreams come true no matter what struggles I have to face.  In a much bigger statement she has told me that I'm going to face struggles and I'm going to meet people who are going to try to stop me in life but the best thing to do is to continue to strive and ignore them.  She tells my sister and I this because she wants us to never lose sight of what we want and to make sure we actually make something of our life.

       I strongly encourage everyone to take this advice as well because it can really shape who you are as a person and can guide you on the clear path. Many people get lost in between and get involved with the wrong things and become vulnerable which really just prolongs their happiness and achievements. Overall this is the best advice I've gotten from anyone, and it's something that I'm going to be sharing with other people for a very long time.

1 comment:

  1. I have gotten very similar advice form my mother as well, and it is so true.
