Friday, February 24, 2017

Natzi Propoganda Towards Children

       The propaganda piece I have chosen to analyze today is one that displays Hitler being happy and compassionate towards three young German kids. The caption reads, "Children, What Do You Know of the Fuhrer (Father)". The point of the message is to make Hitler look more friendly and as a better leader that can be looked up to by the German children.  It is intended for the entire nation to see, especially the kids because it encourages them to look at him as a role-model and it also encourages the parents to put their kid's lives in his hands.

       The propaganda works to effect people's perspectives because it changes their view on Hitler. It emphasizes on the image of him being a good, reliable leader and a happy person who's best interest is out to the children. It doesn't allow them to see the bad side of him.  The image itself effectively changed people's perspectives because it led to people portraying him as a 'god like figure' or messianic. 

       In my opinion, this exact image is being recreated with our presidents, leaders, etc. To be good with kids is a very important trait when running something big because people then view them as kid-friendly and an excellent candidate. Hitler knew that and used it to his advantage. If someone were to stumble upon this picture today, having no previous knowledge of Hitler or the Holocaust they too would most likely believe of him to be a good and trusting leader.  There is always a different side to a person that is never shown publicly.

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