Happiness is an emotion of love, joy, and satisfaction. People experience happiness everyday, every minute, every second. It would look like a ray of sunshine beating down on the bright colors of a rainbow that leads to a pot of gold, at least to me it would. I can recall many moments where I have experienced this emotion. So, what is happiness to me? Well, happiness to me is:
* The feeling I got when I used to walk my dog around the block and get to bond with him.
* The taste of the cupcakes I worked so hard to bake and frost.
* The privledge to greet my parents when they get home.
* The funny inside jokes I get to share with my siblings.
* The warmth my grandparents bring to me when I visit them.
* The touch of a puppy's tongue licking my face.
* The smell of freshly baked cookies my dad made.
* The loud dinners I get to share with my family everyday.
* The hot, thick taste of a champurrado on a cold winter morning.
* The cool sweet taste of a raspado on a hot summer day.
* The phenomenal view of the trees and sunset from the top of the sand dunes.
* The cold refreshing water meeting your lips the moment you get home from a long walk.
* The heat an extra blanket brings on a cold night.
* The salty taste of popcorn during a good movie.
* The familiarity of childhood memories when my cousins come over.
* The option to actually go to school and learn.
* The love my bestfriends have gave to me.
* The blessing to experience new memories with my family.
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