Wednesday, December 21, 2016

New Year Intentions, 2017

       2017 is right around the corner, we have approximately 10 days until January and I am nowhere near prepared for it.  2016 wasn't really much of a good year but hopefully this new year can allow me to redeem myself.

       My intentions are to continue working hard in school and strive to get good grades. I will do this by making sure to study and becoming more organized.  Another intention I have is to catch up with all my favorite shows because I am still behind and I enjoy to watch them in my free time.

       On a more serious note, I am determined to spend more time with my family and to gain a better attitude. I want to do this because I want to be closer with my family and just cherish their company. I want to gain a better attitude in hope that I will be happier in the mornings and not much of a grudge to anyone.

       Overall, I am going to try my best to make 2017 a good year for me and everyone around me as well.

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