Friday, December 2, 2016

My Favorite Quote

       I never really paid attention to any quotes, so before I wrote this I went through a lot of different ones to choose one that spoke to me. The quote I really liked and always believed is "We are not given a good or bad life. We are given a life. It's up to us to make it good or bad." This quote means a lot to me because it goes along something my mom used to tell me but hers was about education. She would tell me "it doesn't matter where you grow up or where you go to highschool, in the end you get to make the decision wether you want to outgrow that and become something bigger." That quote is also one of my favorites. I just find both quotes so true, we make our own decisions, we determine what our future is going to be like, no one else does.  It is really motivating and encouraging to know that everything about my life depends on me and if I work hard enough I can do anything, no matter where I came from.

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