Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Warning - This post is going to be highly dramatic. 

       It's that time of the year again.  The time when all the stutdents finish as much work as they can and prepare for summer vacation.  This year it's different, this year we are graduating.  That means the people we've grown up with and have befriended are going to be seperated from us and we are going to meet new people.  Who knows, maybe I won't see some people ever again.

       I'm happy about graduation, I really am.  I'm looking forward to moving on in my education, what I'm not looking forward to is the distant relationships.  I probably shouldn't be thinking this negatively, but it's inevitable.  I just hope I'll stay friends with the people I am friends with today.

       To finish off the blog post - my last one to be exact - I want to wish all my classmates and my buddy, Dianna, good luck.  I hope you guys decide to work hard in high school and preservere to achieve your life long dreams.  I'll also pray that you guys aren't drowned in homework.  Thank you for listening.



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