Wednesday, April 19, 2017

My Good Deed for the Day

     Today I did something great.  No I didn't donate $200 to any foundation, no I didn't solve world hunger, and no I did not find the cure to cancer (unfortunatly).  I did something way more simpler but it made me feel good and like a better person.

       Yesterday, my team and I did a competition called Battle of the Books. Although we didn't win I still wanted to do something nice for my team.  So I decided to bake yellow cupcakes with buttercream frosting.  I piped the frosting with a star tip and everything.  Anyway, this morning I decided to bring them to at least celebrate our hard work.  So as I was walking to school with my blue tupper-ware in hand I saw the crossing guard.  I always walk on the same route so I've seen her almost every morning and afternoon.  Before even getting to the street I began contemplating whether   or not I should offer her one, I wanted to give her one because she was such a nice lady but I also didn't want to seem weird.  While thinking I crossed the street and thanked her before I stopped, backtracked, and said "Hey, I was wondering if you'd like a cupcake? I made them and have extra and I don't know what to do with them." And continued on rambling.  Surprising she didn't find me weird and took up on the offer with a smile on her face.

        This made me happy, I felt like such a benevolent person. After, I continued the walk to school with a smile on my face because I felt proud of myself.  Yes I only offered her a cupcake but maybe that made her day.  It doesn't seem so exciting now but hey! I'm still smiling!

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