Monday, October 31, 2016

Blog for 10-28-16

Prompt: Which character do you like best and which do you like least?

Book: Percy Jackson & The Olympians - The Sea of Monsters

Author: Rick Riordan

Page #: 279 (finished)


     The Sea of Monsters continues in Percy's perspective. Percy spends the rest of the year at another private school with his new friend Tyson, which no one seems to like, without little to any worries. One day at gym monsters attack his school and he is forced to go back to Camp Half Blood. However the camp is no longer protected and soon becomes dangerous due to Talia's tree being poisoned. Percy, Annabeth, and Tyson soon sneak out to go on a quest to save Talia's tree and their friend Grover.

       My favorite character in the story is Annabeth, she's very smart and determined. In the movies she was also the best character in my opinion. Percy is a bit to stubborn and he just doesn't call out to me. Grover is also pretty funny but once again, he's not all that.

       My least favorite character is Tyson. In the story he came off as annoying and baby-like. Spoiler Starts Now - When he supposedly died I wasn't even sad, actually I was quite relived. - End of Spoiler. He just seemed to hold the team down, but he did however help them a lot.

       Overall, the characters don't really catch my attention, it's more the plot.  I feel like they could be developed more, which happens as you read the rest of the series. As of now I'm just reading the books because I'm interested in the problems they face and the greek mythology behind their story.

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