Saturday, November 12, 2016

Blog for 11/13/16

Prompt: What are your thoughts of the Election?


       The election on November 8th, 2016 resulted into Donald Trump defeating Hilary Clinton by popular vote. This means Donald Trump is our new president-elect.

       My overall thoughts on the election is that Donald Trump is not qualified to be our next president, and that Hilary should've won.  I'm not scared of what he'll do, I'm afraid of the image he's giving our country.  Everything he wants to do has to pass by congress, and I hope they make the right decisions.

       As a female, I believe Hilary should've won because it would not only make history but it would also encourage other young girls to persue what they believe in.  Therefore, next election I will vote, and hopefully there will be a good female candidate to vote for.

       I'm not entirely involved in politics but I hope when the electoral college gets together to finalize their votes, they change them.  Donald Trump has no experience in politics, opposed to Hilary. However, Trump does have experience in the business field which will help.

       Overall, I'm not really sure of what both candidates proposed to solve but I do know that many people do not like Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton, but Hilary is favored more.  The United States will be fine, if anything Britain is having issues too.  Next election, I will be voting for a strong president.

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