Thursday, March 2, 2017

My Biggest Regret

       Mistakes are made every single day, every single minute, and every single second. However, some fall into different catagories. We have the small mistakes, the unnecesary mistakes, the average mistakes, and the 'we-don't-talk-about-this-one-mistakes". The one mistake that I regret falls into the 'we-don't-talk-about-this-one-mistake.'

       This mistake happened on February, 2015.  There were only two people/animals involved at first, my dog and I, and then it progressed to about 5 other people involved.  Here's the story.  It was a cold February night, there was snow outside, and I decided I wanted to binge-watch this show called Eye Candy.  Before I started the episodes though I took my dog out to use the bathroom.  However, I forgot to bring him in.  At this point I was starting episode two when my sister came downstairs and asked,"Where's Jake?". My heart instantly dropped as I ran outside and called his name, except he never showed up.  Immediately tears started streaming down my face and I grabbed my coat and boots to go looking for him.

       I called my parents while looking and they told me to, well, keep looking.  Then I face timed my best friend because I was having a panic attack and she walked over to my house to help me look for him.  My neighbors also came out to help, as well as my siblings and parents (when they got home).  By this point I was completely and utterly vulnerable. It wasn't until an hour or so later when my mom suggested  we call the shelters and when we did one of the dogs matched my dog's description.  So we went and luckily he was there.

       That was one of the worst days of my life.  I felt like such a bad person and a horrible dog-owner. Not to mention in two weeks, he'd be put down.  If I were given the opportunity to redo that day I'd start by not watching that show that day and to stay outside with my dog until he was done doing his bussiness.  Then I'd just chill with him inside and appreciate his presence, because at the end of the day that's all I wish for.  To be with him again.